Barriers to Life:

Barriers, Need and Trauma

This theme provides an introduction to some key ideas regarding the causes of barriers to learning, including the part trauma plays in affecting how people might react in a range of situations.

You can choose which videos and resources to use to suit your need and you can also complete and submit a short assessment for each to be issued a digital badge demonstrating your understanding. Digital badges are a smart, simple, and visual way of recognising non-accredited learning and you can see the full set of LIFE badges below.

Featured Video Content:

Play Video
2 minutes 28 seconds

Barriers: An Introduction

Featured Speaker: Cheryl Powell - Lead Training Officer

Cheryl Powell, Lead Training Officer explores different types of barriers young people face, the importance of identifying irregular behaviour, and how best to engage with parents or next of kin.
Play Video
Duration: 3 minutes 55 seconds

Trauma: An introduction

Claire Stevens - Quality & Performance Manager - On Course SW

Claire Stevens explores different types of traumas, explains how symptoms can develop over time, and the importance of recognising signs in order to help young people overcome trauma.
Play Video
3 minutes 13 seconds

Trauma: Things to Consider

Claire Stevens - Quality & Performance Manager - On Course SW

Claire Stevens explains how to recognise and communicate with a student suffering with trauma, and the simple techniques and support groups that can help them feel safe, and secure in the classroom.


Complete the following short assessments linked to each video and submit to be issued with your digital badge.

Barriers: An Introduction
Trauma: An Introduction
Trauma: Things to consider

Your Downloads:

For Staff Members

Barriers: An Introduction

For Students

Barriers: An Introduction

For Staff Members

Trauma: An Introduction

For Students

Assessment - Trauma: An Introduction

For Staff Members

Trauma: Things To Consider

For Students

Trauma: Things To Consider


The following resources provide useful additional information and links to support you and to extend your understanding.